Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Can The BW3 Method In Bodyweight Burn Really Help You Lose Fat?

I just got early review access of The Body Weight Burn program and I must say the BW3 system could just be the one thing that will finally help you lose the weight you want.

What Are the components of The Bodyweight Burn BW3:

1) BW cardio - this is Adam's and Ryan's version of slow boring cardio. The key principles of BW cardio puts you into instant fat burning mode by placing your body in the optimal fat burning zone which will utilize fat as your primary source of fuel.

This is the secret-weapon that allows you to keep burning calories between more intense workouts, while still recovering 100%.

2) BW Afterburn Workouts - f you want to lose the greatest amount of flab as quickly as possible, you need to transform your metabolism into a 24/7 fat burning machine. And the best way to do that is with Interval Training.

When you do an interval BW Afterburner session, you actually keep melting flab for up to 38 hours AFTER your workout. It’s called EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption).

3) BW Metabolic-Muscle Workouts - This is where 90% of fat loss plans fail. Maintaining and even building the right level of lean calorie-burning muscle is essential if you want to hit 100% of your fat burning potential.

But most people ignore building muscle entirely…

They get so caught up in losing fat that they forget that building muscle is crucial to to achieving the body you want.

I have to give my biggest recommendation for the Body Weight Burn program...

To learn more about Body Weight Burn ==> Click Here

Monday, October 29, 2012

Body Weight Burn Review Is Coming...

I just got word that the Body Weight Burn program will be releasing in a few weeks. So make sure you check back to this site often for the latest news about this killer body weight program designed by leading fitness authorities Adam Steer and Ryan Murdoch.

I will be updating this site in the next few days so stay tuned.